A press release is a way to get your message out to other people, or in this case, media members.

You can use quotes to emphasize an important point of your press release or add some flavor to it. This article will teach you how to include a quote in a press release effectively.

When writing a press release, there are two main components: the body and the headline.

The body should tell someone about who, what, when, where, and why your story is significant. The headline is like a hook that grabs their attention and makes them want to read more.

The rest of the article will go into detail on how to include a good source-worthy quote within the body of your press release.

Once done, we will review some examples of professional press releases to see how well a quote is used.

Finally, I will talk about how to edit your press releases so they stand alone with no missing pieces.

Press Releases – What They Are And Why Your Business Needs One

A press release is an extended advertisement. It is distributed via online and print publications as well as social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

As mentioned before, the body of the press release is made up of five different parts. Each part contains a separate element that helps promote the press release.

The body comes last and is considered the most important piece. Because, without it, nobody knows anything about you or your product/service.

Is Quoting and Citing a Press Release the Same Process?

When it comes to citing a press release, it’s important to understand the proper process. Unlike quoting, citing a press release involves referencing the original source in a specific format. If you need help with this process, consider checking out a citing a press release tutorial for guidance.

Make a list of important points

Beside including your thoughts and comments, you will want to include some quotes or excerpts from others. It emphasize what is being said about the product or service.

This can be done by either quoting from someone else’s statement or paraphrasing their idea into your own.

By using quotations and references, other bloggers and journalists will give credit to the source. It boosts your prestige and credibility.

It also gives your readers more sources for information. They can read the original article or talk with the author about the content.

Create your quote

The next step is creating your quoted message or “quote” as they call it in journalism. You get to choose how you want to include the quote within the press release, along with the length and style of the text.

You can add the quote at the beginning, middle, or end of the article. It does not have to be set off by any other content either. It can sit alone if that makes more sense for your media announcement.

Tip: Make sure to use appropriate sources! Only use quotes from verifiable sources to increase the chance of people believing the statement.

By using authentic sources, your readers will know what statements are true and accurate. This helps build trust in you and the source material.

Example: If the quote comes from the company itself, then it is known to be reliable. Or if it is from an external source like Google or Wikipedia, then it has been vetted.

Remember, our number one goal here is to gain attention for your PR! So make sure to pick sources that appeal to different audiences so people will notice the quote.

Personalize it

A press release is an important tool for your career, but one that most people do not use effectively.

Most people start by copying and pasting a template from elsewhere and then personalizing it slightly. This does not work!

Quoting out-of-context pieces of information or using low-quality templates is poor practice. It may make you look like someone who cannot put together their message.

Do not use these as excuses. Make sure to take the time to create your unique message. Do not just add pretty decorations either – they need to contribute something meaningful.

This could be some strong content or an interesting topic and/or bullet point to help emphasize the importance of the announcement.

Personalization is the key here! Take your time to think about what makes your message special and write down those points. Then, incorporate them into your new press release.

Find the right website and blog for your quote

There are many ways to source quotes for your press release. But you should make sure that they are appropriate and real!

Some websites offer premium services that cost more than others. Make sure to do some research. Determine which sites give you quality material and deserve their price tag.

Remember, not every site offers free content. So be careful about using their service without confirming this.

Some companies may add extra fees such as for social media distribution or advertising.

We have listed several helpful resources below that can help you find the perfect source of inspiration and documentation.

Publish your Press Release

Now that you have written your announcement, it is time to publish it! Depending on the platform you use to write your posts, this may be easy or hard.

Some will even give you a link option to create and launch an online article with their service.

Most social media sites allow you to upload and edit your content using their website or app.

Make sure that before you hit “publish” you are completely proofed of what you wrote and that you formatted it.

Make sure to take some time after publishing to see if your message was spread. Many people start looking for signs immediately after posting. But it can take hours, days, or weeks depending on how popular the site is.

That is not to say that there is no one to check your press release, but most people do not look until much later.

Monitor your results

The hardest part of using quotes in a press release is doing it! After all, you would like your message to stand out so people will read it. But also for it to be seen by someone who may or may not enjoy reading it.

As with any style, some basic rules apply when quoting others in an article or press release. Use quotation marks appropriately and make sure to use proper punctuation.

If you are very close in content to what another source said. Then don’t add your special flair and instead include a quote.

This saves time as you don’t have to look up whether those special flairs are appropriate since they are copied and pasted.

If their tone or wording is different than what you wanted to say, take the time to add your personal touch to match theirs.

Track your growth using Google Analytics

In the very beginning, when you’re starting, many free tools can help track how well your press release is working.

Most good web analytics programs have some kind of free trial option as well. Some even offer limited access for free.

This would be perfect to test out your PR message and see what gets the most comments and shares.

Google Analytics is one of the best ones because it is free and easy to use.

Connect with the press release writer

Along with including your comments about the product or service, it is very important to connect with the press release writer.

If you see someone else’s work that you like, ask them how they got into writing as a career!

Whether you are interested in their process for coming up with content or asking questions related to the job. Sharing knowledge and resources is one of the best ways to get more done.

Press releases can be a great way to generate exposure for yourself or your business. So don’t hesitate to pull out your phone and start chatting!

I hope this article inspired you to begin creating your press releases or gave you some tips to improve an existing one.

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