A press release is an important tool for anyone who wants to spread their message across different media channels.

It’s your chance to tell everyone about what you have been up to, what you are doing now, and what you are offering people.

A well-written, focused press release is a powerful way to get attention for yourself or your product/service. People read press releases, so it is a very cost-effective way to advertise.

There are seven main sections in most standard press releases. You should include all these in any press release you write. They are:

  • Header
  • Body
  • Conclusion

These are the usual “bullet point” style format markers that pull the reader into the next section. The header can be anything from one sentence to several paragraphs. It depends on the length of the body and conclusion.

The body is used to give more detail about the topic and features of the article. It also describe what action readers can take by reading the article. This is where they will learn something new!

And the conclusion reiterates the goal of the article and offers contact information or ways to reach the writer or publisher.

What is the topic?

The next step in preparing your press release is deciding what you will say and how you will say it. This is the *topic* or *hook* of your announcement.

Your hook can be related to business, product, service, event, campaign, message, goal, or anything else relevant to your announced statement.

Your hook should be short and simple and relate to your announcement. If your reader has no idea what your company or person would like to talk about, they will move on to the next article!

Your hook should be clear and catchy so that people will want to read more than just for a brief moment.

Test different versions of your hook to see which one works best for you. -Bhavani Pahuja

Hook: Find out why healthy eating is important for skin health

There are several foods that we can add to our diet to improve our skin’s health.

Certain vitamins and minerals play a major role in ensuring the smooth texture and function of the skin.

Certain nutrients promote collagen production, helping your skin retain its elasticity.

Who is the target audience?

The main goal of a press release is to get your message out there! This includes announcing an event, promoting a product or service, or giving an update about a person or business.

Your targeted audience will determine if and how many people read your press release. Make sure you know who your readers are before putting in the effort to write and publish it!

By being aware of what their media coverage is like, and who they already connect with, you can more likely achieve success.

Your targeted audience may even create new connections due to your article.

There you have it — press releases don’t just happen online.

What are the main points?

The main point of a press release is to get your message out there! This can be through direct contact with media or the distribution of your news via social media, websites, and/or flyers and pamphlets.

The second part of a good press release is to make sure you emphasize important details. These could be about the story, who it impacts, what it does, and how to try it out for yourself.

Pictures or videos

Part 2 is to include either a picture or a video of your product or service. This can be done as an Introduction, Body, Conclusion, or Acknowledgement.

  • Introduction – a bolded sentence with no bullet point or paragraph break
  • Body – main topic and points under this topic
  • Conclusion – and final call-out item
  • Acknowledgment – formal way to say “Thank You” for reading

There are some rules when including a photo or video in the press release article. Make sure they fit within the required length parameters, use appropriate quality photos or videos, and be consistent throughout.

Press releases are usually limited to 70–100 words depending on the platform you publish them on. It will also depend on the size of the media site that you upload into.


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