
A boilerplate is a statement that acts as a permanent description of a company or organization. It is included at the end of a press release.

Boilerplates provide a short bio and background of the company. They are written in the third-person point of view.

In this section, we will take a look at an example of a boilerplate in a press release. Discuss what should be included in one.

Definition of boilerplate

A boilerplate is a block of text that is used over and over again. It includes information about the company or organization and serves as a standard description.

Boilerplates are used in press releases. They allow communications professionals to generate a press release without having to write new content each time.

A boilerplate should be short and sweet; it should not exceed one or two paragraphs at most. It often provides a brief overview of the company’s history, operations, and mission statement.

Additionally, some companies might include information about their recent accomplishments or awards in their boilerplates.

For example, here is an example of a boilerplate used by Apple Inc.

“Apple ignited the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II. It reinvented the personal computer in the 1980s with the Macintosh.

Today Apple continues to lead innovation with its award-winning computers, OS X operating system, iPod music & video devices, iPhone smartphones & software applications such as iLife & iWork.”

Purpose of boilerplate

The purpose of the boilerplate is to provide readers with a brief overview of your company or organization and its background.

A boilerplate should not include details about the current news/announcement that you are making. But rather provide information on the services that your business/organization provides.

It is usually found at the end of a press release, after the body copy. It generally consists of one or two short paragraphs.

A well-crafted boilerplate informs readers about your company’s mission, history, products, and services offered, achievements, and key members of the team in an organized manner.

It should also include contact information (web address/ social media handle) in case a reader wishes to learn more about your organization.

For Example, ABC Corporation (ABC) is an American technology-based engineering firm focused on providing efficient and innovative solutions for its customers in various industries around the globe.

With over 20 years of experience designing products and components for clients across 4 different continents.

ABC continues to be at the forefront of industry developments in both residential and commercial applications.

From intelligent power management systems to advanced water treatment systems. ABC helps customers create more efficient models through a combination of R&D initiatives as well as comprehensive consultancy services.

What is a Boilerplate in a Press Release

A boilerplate is a brief description of an organization, product, or service found in the last paragraph of a press release.

It provides a summary of the company and its main functions, for journalists who may be unfamiliar with the organization.

Boilerplates are usually short, concise, and standardized. They are used in press releases to save space. It provide readers with a quick overview of the press release’s contents.

We will now explore a few examples of boilerplates used in press releases.

What to include in a boilerplate

A boilerplate is a short paragraph at the end of a press release. It gives the details about the issuing company.

The boilerplate includes information such as an overview of the company, its mission and values, products and services it offers, history, recognition, and other information that readers may find useful.

When crafting a boilerplate for your press release, keep in mind that you want to communicate your message quickly and effectively.

It should consist of two or three sentences at most. Here are some things you may wish to include in your boilerplate:

  • Business name
  • Company contact information (phone number and website)
  • Year established
  • Overview of main services/products
  • A brief sentence highlighting any major awards or distinctions a company has earned
  • Geographic reach (if applicable)
  • Any philanthropic efforts or commitments related to the company’s mission or goals how to write a compelling boilerplate
  • Writing an eye-catching and professional boilerplate for your press release is an important step in the communications process.

The boilerplate, also known as a “summary statement”. It should be concise and give a snapshot of the key information that you want to communicate to your audiences.

A good boilerplate will provide journalists and readers with both an overview of your company or organization and a sign of what makes it stand out from its competitors.

The key elements that are included are:

-Company name

-What the company does or provides (solutions, products, services, etc.)

-An overview or description of the services/products and target customers

-Sector in which the company competes

-Market sector and size, if pertinent

-Geographic reach (including countries and markets served)

-Any awards won by the company

-Notable clients/partnerships that have been formed, if any.

For example, ABC Company is a leading provider of software solutions for businesses operating in the financial services industry.

Since 2010, ABC Company has been helping its customers reduce costs. It improve operational efficiencies and increase customer loyalty with its innovative range of integrated solutions.

Offering customers access to global markets across 18 countries in Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific with support centers located around the world to ensure 24/7 customer service engagement.

ABC Company has benefited from many industry awards recognizing its achievements in customer satisfaction excellence alongside dozens of technology partnerships with top enterprise providers such as Microsoft Corporation, Oracle Corporation, and IBM.

Example of Boilerplate in a Press Release

A boilerplate is usually one or two sentences at the end of a press release. It provides brief information about who wrote the press release and the company/organization it was written for.

They are used to provide background information for those unfamiliar with the company and are often included in media kits and press kits.

The following is an example of how a boilerplate may be used in a press release.

Example of a boilerplate for a company

A boilerplate is a short paragraph at the end of a press release that provides standard, non-proprietary information about a company.

It includes information such as the company’s mission statement and other core values, industry service, headquarters location, phone number, website, and email address.

The boilerplate also includes a short description of the company’s history and philosophy.

For example:

XYZ Company is a technology professional services provider committed to helping customers achieve operational excellence through consultative solutions.

Our team of expert engineers has served hundreds of companies in the United States, providing innovative solutions for IT infrastructure systems and organizational challenges.

Through both on-site and remote support capabilities. We help organizations streamline their processes and enhance client usability.

With offices in New York City and Dallas Texas, our team is available around-the-clock to support our customers in achieving greatest performance from their IT investments.

For more information please visit or call (800) 123-4567 for customer support inquiries

Example of a boilerplate for a product

A boilerplate is a set of information that is included in the body of a press release. It provides a brief, descriptive overview of the organization or business sending out the release.

This can include its main services and activities, basic background information, and some history about the company.

A boilerplate should be included at the end of each press release and should be updated periodically to reflect any changes in personnel, objectives, or services that are present at the company.

Example boilerplate for a product:

XYZ Corporation provides industry-leading software solutions for businesses globally. The company’s products are designed to help simplify complex tasks, drive efficiencies, maximize productivity, and deliver exceptional user experiences.

XYZ was founded in 2000 with offices in New York City, San Francisco, and London. Its extensive portfolio covers areas such as CRM systems design, web application development, and enterprise content management solutions.

Benefits of using a boilerplate in a press release

A press release boilerplate is a generic introduction to the company, product, or event featured in a media announcement.

It provides essential background information. It allows the journalist to better understand what is being publicized.

Boilerplates should be written using language and information relevant to the topic of the press release. It include benefits that state how readers might enjoy what is being shared.

By including key points about the company or product. This section can also serve as an effective, succinct summary for any reader who is skimming the news release.

Using boilerplates in press releases helps to ensure that journalists have all the important information necessary to write their stories quickly and accurately.

Additionally, summarizing key details about your product or event can help draw in readers who may have seen your headline. But otherwise not paid attention to your story. Helping make sure you reach as many people as possible with your message.

Including a boilerplate also adds professionalism and positive brand recognition when creating marketing material, such as website copy or advertisement content.

An effective boilerplate should include details such as your core values and mission statement while highlighting some of the attributes that define your organization’s identity

— such as its founding date, specific accomplishments, awards won, customer service practices, and locations served

— providing journalists and readers with an informative overview of what makes you unique.

Can you provide an example of a Press Release with a Boilerplate?

Yes, I can provide an example of a Press Release with a Boilerplate. The purpose of press release is to inform the public about a new product launch. The boilerplate provides background information about the company, helping to establish credibility and context for the announcement.


To sum up, a boilerplate in a press release is a short, promotional paragraph that gives a summary of

  • who the company or organization is,
  • what they do, and
  • what products and/or services they provide.

Knowing how to create an effective boilerplate can help you make a statement that resonates with the reader and encourages them to learn more.

By utilizing proper formatting, including key terms and phrases, and being succinct. You can craft a boilerplate that showcases who you are and what you stand for.


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