
A press release is a written document sent to the media to announce an event, product, or service.

Press releases can be used to spread the news about a business or an individual, increase publicity, and generate interest in a story.

Press releases are often written in a way that is optimized to be picked up by journalists and published in newspapers, magazines, or on the web.

Here, we will discuss the different components of a press release. How to write an effective press release.

What is a press release?

A press release is a written form of communication used to announce something that has happened or will happen soon. It is also known as a news release.

Its purpose is to provide factual information and in an interesting way to the media. It doesn’t usually include any opinions or commentary.

Press releases are used by both individuals and organizations. Such as businesses, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and many others, who want to inform their intended audiences of newsworthy events.

Press releases are written in the third person with a professional tone.

They can be sent to journalists and editors at newspapers, television stations, magazines, websites, trade publications, and other outlets. These are likely to be interested in the news being announced.

They serve as an efficient way for people outside of an organization to get access to timely information about what’s happening inside of it from product announcements to major company milestones. Without having personal contact inside the organization.

A typical press release includes contact information (such as a name and phone number) for someone responsible for dealing with any questions from journalists.

It should also include important facts such as:

names of people involved in the event being announced;

dates/times of events (if applicable);

exact geographical location (if relevant).

Summary statements that explain why this announcement warrants attention rate, extra background on related events (if applicable).

A good press release should also include a compelling call to action for media outlets and their viewers/readers.

An example press release format often looks like this: Headline:

[Headline summarizing announcement]

Body: [ 4-5 paragraphs providing key details]

Conclusion: [ Final sentence reiterating significance/key info ]

Contact Information: [Name & phone number]

Benefits of a Press Release

A press release is a written communication that reports specific but brief information about an event, circumstance, product launch, or other happening.

It is intended to notify members of the media and other interested parties with details that are meant to generate interest in the topic.

Press releases are often distributed through newswire services online and can also be sent to newspapers and journals.

The benefits of writing a press release include:

Building reputation and credibility:

Press releases help businesses establish influence and increase public trust by disseminating positive news stories about their products and services.

Reaching new customers:

By getting featured in newspaper articles, radio interviews, and television segments, businesses can expand their customer base.

Creating search engine optimization opportunities:

If your press release contains keyword-rich content with relevant links back to your website. It could provide a boost in search engine rankings. Resulting in higher organic traffic over time.

Improving investor relationships:

Companies can share financial news with investors or shareholders via press releases. Allowing them to maintain good relationships while promoting upcoming initiatives or developments.

How Can I Include a Boilerplate in My Press Release Example Format?

When crafting a press release, incorporating a boilerplate in press release format is essential. Simply add your boilerplate at the end of the release, providing a brief overview of your company, including its history, mission, and any other important details. This allows for easy incorporation into any press release example format.

Press Release Format

Writing a press release can be a great way to get press coverage for your company or product. A press release should contain certain key elements to ensure the media takes notice.

Some certain formats and rules should be followed when writing a press release. In this article, we will go over the press release format. Also provide an example press release to help you get started.


The headline is the most important element of a press release. It should be interesting and to the point and should make readers want to learn more about your announcement.

It should include keywords related to your message so it can be found through search engines.

Headlines can vary in length, depending on the size and complexity of the announcement. But aim for concise; concise headlines that are easier to understand.

Remember, you want your message to be clear right away. So journalists don’t have to work hard to understand what you’re trying to say or why they should care.


A subhead is a one to two-sentence headline that should appear beneath your initial headline.

The subhead should elaborate on what the press release is about, offering more information and context. It’s a great way to capture readers’ attention and engage them further in the topic.

It might take some practice to get your wording right. So don’t be afraid to go through a few drafts before you hit publish!

Below are two examples of different types of subheads:

For an announcement:

“CityX Mayor Announces Implementation of Innovative Education Initiative”

Subhead: Mayor Smith takes action to improve educational outcomes for students in CityX.

For an event or product launch:

“XYZ Brand Launches New Line of Age-Defying Skincare Products”


New skincare line helps combat signs of aging with powerful yet gentle formulas.


The body of your press release is where you get to tell the story of the event, product, or service that you’re highlighting.

You should aim to write a concise, informative paragraph that provides enough information to pique the interest of the reader.

Your press release should include your most important points at the beginning –

who, what, when, where, and why followed by supporting information.

Make sure to include quotes from key stakeholders in your organization to give people more context and insight into the announcement.

You should also make sure to explain how people can get more information about your product or service. Whether it’s through a website, phone number, or email address.

The formatting rules for a release need it to be divided into several paragraphs with each dedicated to a different topic:

i.e. introduction, background/overview, key bullet points about the offering, etc.

Depending on how long your press release is you may want to break up its contents even further into many subheadings throughout the main body of text as well as including relevant images or other multimedia components throughout.

Contact Information

The first element of the press release usually in bold typeface should include the information a journalist needs most when considering whether to pick up the story:

• The headline (the title of your press release).

• The place and dateline, say where and when the press release originated.

• The contact information of the person who wrote (or handles distributing) the press release. This generally includes a phone number, mailing address, email address, and web address. This is where journalists can reach out to you with questions or requests for more information.

• The body or “boilerplate” of your press release should provide an overview of your organization. Why it’s important, and how it relates to this particular story you’re promoting.

It should also include brief biographical sketches of key individuals in your company.

While this can be brief (fewer than 200 words). Make sure it offers readers enough information to understand who you are and what kind of work you do.

Example Press Release

A press release is a written document that is sent to various media outlets. It is usually to gain public attention about an event, product, or organization.

A well-written press release can be a great way to spread the word about something exciting happening in your business.

It can be used to publicize product launches, announce new hires or other business milestones, or even promote a charity event.

In this article, we will take a look at an example press release format and tips for writing a successful press release.


A headline is the title of a press release that summarizes the key points and makes readers want to learn more.

It should be brief, clear, and written in the title case. It means that all important words are capitalized.

A press release should contain at least one keyword that readers can use to find the news on search engines like Google.

When writing your headline, it’s best to follow the “KISS” principle. Keep it simple & straightforward.

Your headline should be relevant to your announcement. Focus on the most interesting information, not exceed 10-12 words. Avoid using jargon or buzzwords, and include the date or location if appropriate.

(e.g., Delivery Giant Launches New Service in Atlanta).

Sub headline/Standfirst

You may also choose to include an optional sub headline or stand-first. It further expands upon the headline by adding extra context for readers.

It should provide supplementary information about what’s included in the press release such as:

“New Delivery Service Offers Faster Shipping for Atlanta Businesses” or

“Local Delivery Giant Launches New Subscription Plan for Businesses”.


Subheads are an essential way to break up your press release into logical sections. It makes easier for busy editors and journalists to get an overview of the topic.

You should use this opportunity to provide more information. It will give context, background, or advanced info on the discussed topic.

Be sure that your subhead is related to the content underneath it. It serves to enhance your message rather than detract from it.


The body of the press release includes further details and should expand upon the points mentioned in the headline and opening.

It’s important to focus on giving the reader an informative, clear, and concise picture of what is being announced. The body should answer any questions a reader might have about the topic.

To make sure a press release is an effective tool for announcing the news. It should include certain elements, as outlined below:

· A catchy introduction that explains why this news matters to readers.

· An explanation of who, what, where, and when, succinctly answering all pertinent details.

· Quotes from key stakeholders:

This can include company officials, customers, or even industry analysts whose insights into this particular news provide more credibility.

· Proof points that reinforce why the content matters and why readers should trust that this is a credible commentary on a given topic.

· A closing call-to-action for readers to find out more information or take some type of action.

Contact Information

At the end of your press release, you should include a call to action, either for reporters to contact you for more information or ask how they can access the resources you’ve included in the press release.

Make sure this calls-to-action are accessible and visible by including a separate section that highlights your contact information.

This section should include:

-Name of the spokesperson and their title (if applicable).

-Phone number(s)

-Email address

-Physical address

-Company website URL

-Links to any relevant social media accounts.


In conclusion, a press release is a great way to get the word out about new events and products. With a well-crafted press release, you can spread the news to potential customers and other stakeholders, expand your brand’s reach, and boost your visibility.

The key to an effective press release is understanding the basic format and press release elements required for distribution.

Remember that the best press releases are concise, clear, and actionable. Avoid exaggerated claims and jargon where possible. Finally, leverage reputable media outlets to ensure most reach for your message.


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